My job was to demonstrate some incorrect recovery techniques that the new instructor might encounter from his students. The normal recovery from a T-37 spin was;
-Throttles idle
-Rudder and aileron neutral
-Stick abruptly full aft (elevator) and hold (if inverted this will result in a recovery if not help too long)
-Determine the direction of spin (use outside references or the turn and slip indicator)
-Abruptly apply full rudder opposite the direction of spin and hold (note the ground reference)
-After one complete turn using the ground reference abruptly apply full forward or down elevator
-As the aircraft approaches a vertical attitude slowly apply up elevator and power as the aircraft recovers.
Some of the demonstration spins recoveries were:
-Wrong rudder-resulted in an abrupt bounce or opposite motion when the stick is applied forward
-Relax all controls (this was the normal recovery of a small propeller driver aircraft but did nothing for a jet)
-Stick only, no rudder applied. Worked sometimes but not guaranteed
-Accelerated spin-slow movement forward with the elevator resulting in a very fast continuous rotation blurring all ground references as the aircraft accelerated towards earth.
We climbed to 20,000 feet before starting the demonstrations and usually a ride that most new instructors were glad to have over.
Without exception, T-37 spin recoveries made me physically sick. I performed the recovery the first time and every time, perfectly, and saw no need to further practice the maneuver.
My compassionate instructors always allowed me a couple of minutes of time- out as I filled my barfbag, neatly tied it up, and stored it in the leg pocket of my flight suit, and then resumed flying.
Had an IP in flight school that used the proper procedure for spin recovery and it did not recover the AC. Tried again and same thing. Getting low on altitude, he ordered a bail out, and when the canopy blew, VOILA, the AC recovered. ( alternate spin recovery procedure ) LOL